Dr2bthin Instructions to submit reviews

  1. Add your Review here.
  2. Upload a before and after picture –click here to go to your pictures
  3. Send us an email with proof of posting your review. ( copy pasting your review with or without pictures ) Send Email to —info@dr2bthin.com
  4. Upon verification of your review we will apply $5 for written review and $10 for written review with before and after picture to your next reorder purchase for Phentermine.(The above amounts can only be applied once a year towards your purchase)
  5. On your next Reorder along with sending your blood pressure — please mention you have submitted your review (with and without pictures and mentioning clearly) email info@dr2bthin.com
  6. You will only be contacted in the event of a problem with blood pressure otherwise this process will move automatically smoothly.

We value your feedback and reviews